A place for the Stone's to keep up to date with all that is happening with our growing families.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Family Pictures

So all the joking about not ruining the family pictures because of the blog is kind of biting me in the butt right now. Apparently when Ron was burning on Monday he burned some poison oak and Bayley walked in the smoke. Soooooo she has poison oak on her face, down her neck and on her legs and arms. I'm hoping it has cleared off by Saturday but I'm not sure. The doctor put her on steroids to clear it up and it is suppose to make her grouchy, so that will be fun for the pictures. I hope everyone is having a good week. See you all Friday night!


Anonymous said...

Awww that sucks! I was hoping she wasn't going to get it at all!

Matt said...

Yeah we have the same thing happening with Summer now. Apparently when they were climbing around at the end of the dirt pile she got into some so now she has it popping up on her back and arms but not the face - yet.

Jill said...

Ya, our kids are going to look GREAT for the wedding on Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Well ya'll know we can't have a perfect family picture!

Jill said...

Ya that would be impossible anyway, between my random glamour shots poses and Tyler's eyes popping of his head, we are doomed from the start.

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